This dark chocolate brown board boasts purple undertones, makingfor a moody and impactful floor. Real Walnut is a covetedfloorcovering, but as an easily damaged softwood, it simply isn"t aviable option within the home. Our offering provides all the visualadvantages of real timber with all the practical benefits of LuxuryVinyl Tile (LVT).
Korlok can be installed over most existing hard floors,requiring less expense on subfloor preparation.
With a 5G vertical click locking mechanism, Korlok is a formatof luxury vinyl flooring that"s quick and easy to install. Korlokis suitable for installation over most existing hard floors andimperfect subfloors.
Korlok is our latest luxury vinyl tile flooring innovation,which features a 5G vertical click locking system, specificallyoptimized for an easy installation and long lasting fixation. Therevolutionary locking system means no adhesive and minimalpreparation time. The choice of 12 intricate wood designs allfeature a resistant locking system, a durable 0.55mm wear layer andR10 slip rating.
The Korlok range has a lifetime guarantee.
Product Details
- Colour: Dark Brown
- Size: Korlok wood plank 56" x 9" (1420mm x225mm)
- Range: Korlok
- Wear Layer And Thickness: 0.55mm wear layer 6.5mm thickness
- Bevelled Edge:Thread
- Effect:Walnut Flooring
- Texture: Textured
- m2 per box:3.195m2
- Pieces per box: 10